Set up wallet

Even though you can use other wallets, Metamask is the one we recommend. Throughout this guide, we will assume that you are using the Metamask wallet since it is the one most people use, the process of setting up a wallet should be very similar regardless of the wallet you choose.

The easiest way to add BSC to your wallet is through Chainlist. Using the steps below, you can add BSC to your wallet without typing anything manually.


2.Click โ€˜Connect Walletโ€™ upon notification from your wallet click โ€˜Approveโ€™

3. Locate BSC and click โ€˜Add to metamaskโ€™

4. Upon notification from your wallet click โ€˜Approveโ€™

5. In the following popup click โ€˜Switch networkโ€™

6. You can now use the BSC network.

Last updated